Privacy Policy

Identification of the Data Controller

The Data Controller is Victor Bosch Barres ES26754967X (hereinafter “FoodMarkeating”) and their identifying and contact details are reflected in the Legal notice on the website.

Use and purpose of the data obtained

The data that we request or can send us in the forms or in the emails of our website are for:
– Respond to queries and provide information required by the user.
–        Manage the provision of contracted services.
The data we request is appropriate, relevant, and strictly necessary for the purposes specified above, and in no case is you obliged to provide them. You also assure us that all data provided is true, truthful, and relevant to the purpose for which we request it.

We inform you that your data will only be transferred in the cases legally established or for necessary reasons of the provision of theservice, such as transport agencies.

Legal basis for data processing
The legal basis for the processing of your data is the contractual relationship that binds us, as well as the express consent of the data subject. Sending these implies your express authorization to incorporate them into our corresponding treatments, provided that FoodMarkeating deems it convenient for the management of the request you request.

Data retention

The personal data provided will be kept:
– Inquiries and requests: the data will be retained until the end of the request or query made by the data subject.
– Provision of services: once the service is finished, the legally established time will be kept before its destruction.
– Sending informational communications of our services: until the data subject cancels the data.

Data security
The data collected is stored within the European Economic Area (EEA). FoodMarkeating guarantees the technical and organizational measures necessary for the security and integrity of the personal data it processes, in accordance with current legislation, taking into account the state of technology, the nature of the stored data, and the risks to which they are exposed, whether they come from human action or from the physical or natural environment.

International Data Transfer
We inform you that for reasons of service provision, your personal data may be communicated to third parties outside the European Economic Area.

Subjects Rights
Data subjects have the right to:
· Obtain confirmation as to whether the Controller is processing the personal data concerning them.
·  Access your personal data, as well as to request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, request its deletion when, among other reasons, the data are no longer necessary for the purposes that were collected.
· In certain circumstances, the interested parties may request the limitation of the processing of their data, in which case only the Responsible will keep them for the exercise or defense of claims.
·       In certain circumstances and for reasons related to their situation, interested parties may object to the processing of their data.
·       In certain circumstances, under the right of portability, data subjects will have the right to obtain their personal data in a structured format of common use and mechanical reading and transmit it to another controller.
The data subject may exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation, opposition, limitation, and portability of his/her data by email to the address Putting in the subject the reference “Data Protection” and accompanying the application a copy of the ID or equivalent identification document.
If you believe that your rights have not been adequately addressed, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

Social Media

Currently, FoodMarkeating has profiles on different social networks: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. The processing of data carried out by FoodMarkeating as responsible for the processing of such data in these Social Networks is the one that the different Social Networks allow for the profiles available therein. Through the social networks, we keep informed about updates and activities of our website or any of the blogs that are part of our network. In any case, we do not export data from the different social networks unless we request in advance and expressly the user’s consent for a specific purpose.

Privacy policy update

FoodMarkeating may update this Privacy Policy at any time. Any updates involving new data processing, or a momentous change thereof will be communicated to interest the data subject. That is why we recommend that the User, on a regular basis, review this privacy policy.

Cookies Policy

What are cookies?
Cookies are small (text) files that are received at the terminal from a web site visited and used to record certain interactions of navigation on a website to store data that can be updated and retrieved.
These files are stored on the user’s computer and contain anonymous data that is not harmful to your computer. They are used to remind user’s preferences like language and access data or personalization.
Cookies may also be used to record anonymous information about how visitors use the website. For example, since the website was accessed, or if you used a banner ad to reach this.

What uses do the different types of cookies have?
According to its purpose
Technical cookies
Cookies that enable the user to browse a website, platform or application and use the various options or services thereon, including controlling traffic and data communication, identifying the session, accessing restricted areas, remembering items in an order, making purchases of an order, filling out a registration application or request to participate in an event, using security items while browsing, storing content to disseminate video or sound files and sharing content over social networks.
Customization cookies
Cookies that enable the user to access the service with certain general features predefined on the user’s device based on a series of criteria, such as language, browser used to access the service, regional configuration for where the service is accessed, etc.
Analytical cookies
Cookies that enable those responsible for them to track and analyze the behavior of websites to which they are related. The data gathered through this type of cookie is used to measure the activity of the websites, application or platform and to create a browsing profile for the website, application or platform users in order to analyze the data regarding the use the user makes of the service.
Advertising cookies
Cookies that allow for the most effective possible management of the advertising space, if any, that the publisher has included on a website, application or platform from which the requested service is provided based on criteria such as the content published or frequency with which ads are shown.
According to term
Session cookies
Cookies designed to gather and store information during a user’s browsing session. They are usually used to store information useful only to provide the service requested by the user in a single session
Persistent cookies
Cookies that remain stored on the technical equipment and may be accessed and processed during the lifetime of the cookie, which is defined by the party responsible for the cookie and may last from a few minutes to several years.
Why do we use cookies?
We use strictly necessary and essential cookies for you can use and move freely to our website, use secure areas, set custom options, etc. We also use cookies to collect data for the analysis of web usage. These are used to help improve the user’s experience and performance of the page.
Some web sites can install third-party cookies. We do not control the cookies used by these third party external websites. For more information on cookies alienate websites advise to check their own cookies policy.

This site uses the following cookies:
Cookie NameOriginPurposeExpiration
_gat_ gtag_ UA_ 91817503_ 1google analyticsUsed by Google Analytics to throttle request rateSession
_gagoogle analyticsRegisters a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the website.2 Years
_gidgoogle analyticsRegisters a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the website.1 Day
wp_ wpml_ current_ languagefoodmarkeating agencyNecessary for the functionality of the website.1 Month
wp-settings-time-1foodmarkeating agencyNecessary for the functionality of the website.1 Month
wp-settings-1foodmarkeating agencyNecessary for the functionality of the website.1 Month
wordpress_ logged_ in_ 8a038ae 62ea2bf 695c84 2361b f358f7ffoodmarkeating agencyNecessary for the functionality of the website.Session
wp_ wpml_ current_ admin_ language_ d41d8cd 98f00b 204e980 0998e cf8427efoodmarkeating agencyNecessary for the functionality of the website.1 Month
wordpress_ test_ cookiefoodmarkeating agencyNecessary for the functionality of the website.Session
cookie_ notice_ acceptedfoodmarkeating agencyNecessary for the functionality of the website.1 Month
wordpress_ sec_ 8a038a e62ea2 bf695c 842361 bf358f7ffoodmarkeating agencyNecessary for the functionality of the website.1 Month

How do you manage cookies?
To use this website it is necessary to install cookies. If you continue to browse our website without denying permission, you imply that you accept the use. Please note that if you reject or delete your browsing cookies, we will not be able to maintain your preferences and some features of the web pages may not be operational.
You as a user have the possibility to exercise your right to block, delete and reject the use of cookies, at any time, by modifying the options of your browser.

For example:
– Internet Explorer: Tools> Internet Options> Privacy> Settings.
For more information, see Microsoft Support or Browser Help.
– Mozilla Firefox: Tools> Options> Privacy> History> Custom Settings.
For more information, see Mozilla Support or Browser Help.
– Google Chrome: Settings> Show advanced options> Privacy -> Content settings.
For more information, see Google Support or Browser Help.
– Safari: Preferences> Security.
For more information, see Apple Support or Browser Help.
– Opera: Settings> Options> Advanced> Cookies
For more information, see Opera Support or Browser Help.